Project Sierra Avila

This 1 acre property in the San Antonio hills has got to be one of my favorite projects. There’s ample terrain change to allow for water catchment not only from roof runoff but also from overland flow. We have managed to save the existing lawn as it is made of native turf grasses, and the clients have both dogs and kids that will need an area to play. This area will be home to a greenhouse and some producing plants, but will be limited in scope.

The soils here are extremely poor and the rain can be inconsistent so a water catchment & storage strategy as well as a soil improvement and building strategy are essential and the first steps in planning a design like this. Clover and vetch are super-powers in this field, especially vetch in this climate!

No soil tests were completed here as it was completely unnecessary! There is such little soil, the only options are to either build a high quality soil or bring in high quality soil by the dump-truck load! Either way, testing the existing soil would be worthless. We can assume, however, that this soil is alkaline as the limestone rock provides an alkaline pH to all soils in this area.

If you are in need of a consultation or design to turn your home into a homestead, no matter what size your property is, reach out! One last little gallery before I go – this is a design I’m about to be finished with and it is a super small property in the shadows of downtown Houston. I can help you achieve your goals, no matter the size of your property and I can also help you determine a realistic expectation as to your goals.

As usual, if you need have any questions, use the form below to reach out. I usually respond the same day – although on weekend, I usually wait until I’m in the office on Monday to get back with you.